

  • Bedtime Stories

    2005. Ryan helps Claire put Joey to bed.

  • You'll See

    AU post-1x15, Ryan wakes up in the hospital.

  • Lookout

    Roderick and Louise have a conversation about Claire.

  • When I Love You

    His life was different with her than it was with other people. Early Joe/Claire.

  • Retrograde

    "Every time I think of her, pinned down like that, I strangle her, Francis. So she doesn't strangle me." Claire-centric.

  • Once Was

    "Deep down, I know this never works... But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt." Claire/Ryan.

  • (I'd Take) Just a Part of You

    "Don't you tell me no truths / I want all of your lies." Joe POV, 1x13.

  • Right Now

    A moment in the rubble after the bridge collapses. Rob/Beth.

  • Damned

    He had tried so hard to be a good and faithful man. Riario-centric/reflective.

  • Some Nights

    "We'll have to put tonight in the record books." Claire.Ryan AU

  • A Ton of Love (A Ton of Hate)

    Joe tries to apologize and is not forgiven. R.

  • Last Words

    Vanessa visits with Giuliano's body. Post-season 1.

  • Stick With Me

    A small moment from when they dated. "I could really get used to having you around here more often."

  • Afterthoughts

    She was the only woman in the world to ever make the great Giuliano de Medici feel insecure. Vanessa/Giuliano. "Leo and I are just friends."

  • Too Close

    2x12. He flinched away when she tried to touch him. / He'd dreamed of her so many times before, but this one was different.

  • Live in Salt

    2003. She wonders what happened to the perfect life they had together.

  • Can't Pretend

    Mike Weston walks a very fine and very uncomfortable line. Post-1x15/Season 2.

  • In the Beginning

    Since she'd arrived in England three months ago, he was the only native who didn't make her feel like just another stupid American girl. Claire and Joe, from the beginning.

  • Square One

    AU ending to 1x10: Ryan doesn't say it back and suffers the consequences after Claire leaves. Parker/Hardy friend(?)ship.

  • I Wish Everybody Knew What's so Great about You

    Sarah Fuller receives a visitor the night after she's released from the ICU. "You don't forget the face of the man who saved your life."