Garbage and City Lights

  • Can't You See That She's Mine

    Lana is prisoner once again in Thredson's basement, but what if Marilyn had chosen to protect her rather than end her life? Can the reporter and the doctor share her, or is it doomed to end in blood? (Alternate timeline to "Not Fade Away")

  • Shards of Erised

    Set in 5th year. Hogwarts is on the lookout for Voldemort, but he has one of his darkest creations already lurking among them. She's cunning. She's smart. She's whatever they want her to be.

  • Absolution

    Two old acquaintances meet in the Leaky Cauldron, 10 years after 4th year... for what? None other than absolution. Songfic, song provided by Alanis Morrissette. Angst and mild swearing.

  • Perfect

    Songfic to 'Perfect' by Alanis Morissette. Spanning through Draco's childhood at 5 years at a time, this gives you my interpretation on what makes Malfoy such a pain-in-the bum. One of my most appreciated fics, I believe.

  • Give Me Your Hand: Prologue

    The beginning of a new Malfoy fic. *calmly ignores the indignant shouts and peanuts lobbed at her head* I need input before I continue writing. Not much to say, 'cuz it's the bare bones of a fic, just a prologue. Oh, just FYI, the song is 'In a Lifetime'

  • Like Father...Like Son

    Short story about Draco's family problems. ...as if he didn't have enough, hm?

  • Melodies of Christmas

    BLOOOO Christmas... ^_^ Um, anwhos, a rather dramatic look into our favorite characters' Christmases might be like if they were separated.. Consists of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and 4 Christmas songs! ^_^ Review, please.

  • Darkness

    A rather disturbing dream I had about a little boy and his dad... I think it mighta been Draco. ::shrug:: Find out yerself. PG for mild violence.

  • Visit By Moonlight

    ::sigh:: Yes, the other poem was Draco's sorrowful song. This one's mine. Yup yup, I actually do fall asleep reading and rereading the 'bouncing ferret' chapter...::grin:: Comment, please.

  • What They Don't Know

    Draco Malfoy's lament...His point of view. This is my first attempt on this site, so I appreciate any reviews at all. Thanks.