Danzinora Switch

  • Regulations Be Damned

    McCoy has a record of borderline insubordination. But what if someone called him on it? McCoy has to go by-the-book for everything, now. How does the crew feel about this new McCoy? Starfleet, this is one time where enforcing protocol can be detrimental. The crew must stop this behavior and get Bones back. Protocol!McCoy

  • Get Up, Get to Shift

    The average days of our favorite medical officer. Short little thing I cooked up.

  • The Method in the Madness

    It hit Dr. Richter one day that he had finally decoded Murdock. Hannibal could see it, too. Character study on our favorite crazy fool. Reviews appreciated!

  • Executor

    What if Don had been the only one to make it onto the ship in Exodus? How would he execute his plan to stop the Shredder once and for all, without his brothers? Alternate episode ending. One-shot. Please review!

  • The Dying Man who was Only Later Informed of This

    Cowritten with Basketballgirl Kaitlin. When Scotty overhears McCoy talking with someone, he mistakenly believes that McCoy has a terminal disease with only days left to live. He quickly tells his friends, who tell their friends, who tell... well, you get the picture.

  • Diamond in the Rough

    The Enterprise is called away to Lucy, a brilliant jewel of a planet. But while completing their mission in the hazardous environment, something else lurks in orbit about them...

  • Loved and Lost

    A list of all the gals our spacemen have seduced, been seduced by, been forced to love by aliens, and fell in love with throughout the series. Includes all the romances of Scotty, Chekov, Spock, McCoy, and, of course, Captain Kirk. Written to help me with a project, but y'all can chuckle at some of the lists... like how LONG Kirk's is. 1-31-14: Update

  • The Legend of Bones McCoy

    Having beamed down to a dusty frontier planet, McCoy is in his element. But then Jim gets in trouble (naturally) and between a gunfight, kidnapping, whiskey and saloon girls, one thing leads to the next. Lots of BAMF!McCoy, Cowboy!Trio, Bones is a BAMF gentleman. Rated T for colorful language and violence.

  • Canon Proof of Crew Quarters

    At last, I have found PROOF of the exact locations and numbers for the quarters of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Episodes are cited if you want to check it out for yourself. Some may be elated at the knowledge; others may be disappointed. But here is the long-awaited information! Reposted; been having difficulty uploading.

  • Trips In and Out

    Decker's got the VA staked out, waiting for the A-Team. Then an unexpected attack leaves many unanswered questions for both the team, Decker, and especially Murdock. And this is *before* everything got *really* crazy. Rated T for language.

  • Three Heroes

    Sequel to 'Two Survivors'. Kirk, McCoy, and now Spock are called as part of a secret Starfleet mission. Sabotage finds them the only people left to complete the task. Adjusting to each other, they have to work together against all odds thrown at them under the looming border of a rising empire... Chapter 7 is the rest as an outline.

  • After

    In the lives of our boys 3 years after they got pardoned, a tragedy brings them all back together again to remember what was started. Face POV. Character death.

  • Silence is Key

    For two months McCoy was in the hands of the Romulans. Two months, and they just got him back. What happened? McCoy isn't saying; in fact, he's not saying anything at all... Angst!fic request from jdpenny121. Warning for mild torture. COMPLETE

  • Why Vulcans Shouldn't Give Massages

    To avoid the following scenario, all Vulcans should take note of what goes wrong whilst performing a massage. Humor, no slash, I was attacked by plot bunnies.

  • Never Knew the Reasons

    Kirk folded back the crinkled flash-print. It was an old missing person notice. He didn't know the first two faces, but the third looked eerily familiar. Then his breath caught in his throat as he read the name underneath the missing teen: Leonard H. McCoy.

  • The Wicked and Divine

    Mirror!Spock has appeared on the U.S.S. Enterprise. McCoy doesn't trust him. Can he get Kirk to listen?