Sara Jaye

  • nowhere, ylisse

    Small Town AU. In the dead of a small factory town, discovering your lesbian love for your best friend over one summer is the easiest part of the journey.

  • Pretty Forest Sparkles

    Shauna has a big crush on Serena, so they go for a walk in the forest. Things happen. Rated for GIRLS TOUCHING OMG.

  • Only One in a Lifetime

    Cory doesn't realize it right now, but a friendship like his and Shawn's is what adults would call a rare gem.

  • concept of home (neither here nor there)

    Their parents fought to make the world a better place for them, and they all died. Sometimes Severa wonders if they're next, but when Noire looks at her with those trusting eyes she can't bring herself to say it out loud.

  • Differences Aside

    The old Jill Fizzart never would have been caught dead living with a pack of beasts, much less enjoying their company.

  • standing in the sunlight (laughing)

    Sometimes it doesn't matter who wins the race.

  • Patience

    She didn't need undying declarations of love, and he didn't need her to cure his pessimism. They both offered each other something much more valuable.

  • Baby, You Can Drive My Car

    Modern day AU. In which Hector's car is a piece of junk, Farina is the only one who can save it and Uther is suspicious.

  • The Bravest Pest In The World, Forever

    A look at the life of Ramona Quimby, from nursery school and onward.

  • Afternoon Tea

    Tea time had always been their thing and theirs alone, so naturally Lissa was shocked when Maribelle insisted Olivia join them.

  • New Stranger in Town

    A lot can change in over a decade, but the best things in life remain a constant. Stuart Minkus comes home after a long absence.

  • Slowly Breaking

    She was a woman in the midst of a crumbling marriage. Desperation had driven her to less than savory actions, and in the end they'd done nothing but destroy the last remnants of the life she knew.

  • Tea and Awkwardness

    They only knew each other in passing, they had nothing in common, that was just how things were. Then their daughters fell in love.

  • No Sad Goodbyes

    She didn't want their last moment together to be filled with tears and sorrow.