
  • Feather's Plucked

    Haytham isn't one to show full emotions, not even in his last moments or the journal he left for his son. Not fully anyway. However reading between the lines gives a hint of what he is truly thinking. What was Haytham really thinking? Alternatively known as; How did Haytham forget that both he and Connor have hidden blades? Simply? He didn't.

  • Desmond's Plight

    A short memorial piece to Desmond.

  • Her Sparkling Eyes and His Charming Detached Smile

    It wasn't how his life was supposed to be; he was supposed to always get the girl. So why didn't he have her? Why was she in someone else's arms? He'd not allow himself to lose her, she who was always his. Not seeing as slowly his love grew to obsession, he'd have her. However, at what cost?

  • My Vampire Lord

    HIATUS. There's a side of Hermione that no one ever knew about, not even Hermione herself. Who would ever guess that Hermione Jean Granger was actually a vampire. One that had been promised since birth to another vampire. She is his Lady, he is her Lord.

  • It Was Only Just A Dream

    Is this a sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare?

  • Mending

    Mending does not mean replacing. If only those around Tobias could get it, and back off.

  • I Told You So

    "You die, I die too."-Tobias Eaton "Four"

  • Hidden Scars

    As standing a one short. Have you ever thought the fact that Hermione got bullied was a bit brushed off? Or that Snape, being a victim of bullying himself, should of done more to protect her from them?

  • Interwoven Lives

    HIATUS. What if Severus never went to Voldermort? What if he never got involved? The Potters live but not sincerely. Lily catches James cheating on her and in divorcing him finds her true love. Harry Potter is in this story. LEXSS First of the series.

  • Beautiful Creature

    HIATUS. Adopted from darkwinterroses, Draco has an amounting obsession with a certain member of the Golden Trio. Dark plot, be very wary.