Rose Lupus

  • Wanna Take You Home With Me

    AU. Cosima gets kind of wasted at the annual science faculty ball's bar. Dr Cormier sees her sleazy colleague Philip trying to take Cosima home with him and takes it upon herself to intervene, and ends up taking the drunken and badly flirting grad student home herself. Oneshot.

  • Entanglement

    Delphine was supposed to be objective. An observer. She wasn't supposed to feel like this. 1x08 Cophine scene expansion (now with a title).

  • What happened to you?

    Helena does not know what a home is, but she will take this little angel to hers.

  • A Family of Sorts

    1x10 AU. Cosima introduces Delphine to Alison and Sarah. Sarah isn't a fan. Language warning because Sarah is Sarah.

  • Parental Guidance

    It's a father's duty to tell the truth, but sometimes kids just don't want to listen... Zade, post 3x13, [AKA Crazy Earl - Zade Shipper]