
  • The Eagle and The Wolf

    Almost doomed to carry the burden of her paternal parentage and death, Daciana aids Arno Dorian and fellow Assassin's to defeat the Templars and save France from self destruction. Story may be subject to change to follow game story.

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

    While Stark jump starts Ultron, causing havoc, Peter is pulled into while interning for Dr. Banner. As the situations thickens, Peter starts wondering why activate Ultron instead people who have gifts & talents who could offer more? Is Peter ready to trust someone again with his secret? Or will he push himself further into solitude. Story subject to change. Xmen characters included

  • Avengers: Next Gen SE01 Ep01: Crossroads

    It's been a couple months since the Peter Parker has returned as Spider-man and life hasn't been kind, but a run with a fellow named arachnid might lend a hand. Natasha talks to Steve about her past. Steve turns to an old war buddy to help he and Sam track down Bucky. Coulson contemplates over a responsibility dropped by SHIELD.

  • Semper Fi

    Nick Memphis wasn't only one who helped Swagger. New probie to Gibbs team in NCIS, Special Agent Alexandria "Kit" Kitson, ex Special Forces, meet Swagger in an unlikely way before that day and tries to save him from the fate of a traitor.

  • Avengers: Next Gen Project

    Hey this is going to be a one shot looking document which will serve as promos for my new project. So please comment away for suggestions and critic please. This takes place after Amazing Spider-man 2 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.