

  • Flinch

    Tom kept his enemies close. Marcus wanted pride for his family. Adrian couldn't feel anymore. Blaise hated his mother. Theodore was invisible. Daphne had one place and role according to her father. Pansy wanted to be beautiful. Draco saw no other choice. Hermione didn't know the truth anymore. "The people who stand by your side during hell without flinching are your family."

  • The Good Malfoy

    Scorpius has always been different from every Malfoy because of how he acts, the house he is in, his mother and blood status, but maybe he isn't that different. No matter what, he is the Good Malfoy. ONE SHOT

  • Redemption in the Past

    Draco is tasked to bring Peter Pettigrew to the dark side. Hermione is tasked to stop him. They are sent back 20 years to the first war when the people they know were just like them. War, friendships & love bring out the harsh truths that they were ignorant to & learn nothing is fair in war. Danger lurks everywhere as they learn what it was truly like (takes place in marauders era)

  • Perspective

    "It is easy and hard at the same time to believe they have been married for forty years." The Malfoy children and grandchildren hear this phrase a lot during Draco and Hermione's fortieth anniversary party. To ease their curiosity, they ask for people's perspective on their relationship through the years.

  • Go With It

    Draco hated his job. His boss was horrible. His mother was ill. His best friend was an annoying roommate. A confused meeting at St. Mungo's leads Draco asking the last person he wanted help from to go with it to make his mother happy. Lucky for him, his boss may be horrible but she was helpful when it counts. She'll remember this favor. Unfortunately, so will his mother.

  • Better Late Than Never

    Sometimes it takes people a while to accept things. It took Harry Potter several years, fights, and births to accept two important relationships. It's better to accept late than to never accept at all. ONE SHOT

  • Faithful Enemy

    "That man carried on the Dark regime. He carried it on after Voldemort was dead. He caused us to fight these 20 years. How can she defend such a sick man?" "Meet Draco Malfoy, your loving and caring father who joined a cause he despised to make sure you lived, to make sure that if it lasted you and her would never be harmed."

  • Sweetness

    She sent him a Christmas letter and he replied. She brought him happiness and it was his turn to bring happiness to her and her family. He thought she was amazing but couldn't believe how incredible her mother was. They need him as much as he needs them.

  • Unbreakable Hope

    AU: They hoped he would win but Harry Potter lost. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott must now go through with the Unbreakable Vow they created to protect the good and win with them. They just want to be free but freedom has a cost and they must pay by protecting those who can set them free. Every action they take makes them question if it is worth it to have hope.

  • Mistletoe

    Someone is playing Christmas Cupid at Hogwarts by putting magical mistletoe everywhere. Students are getting caught left and right. What happens when two of those students are Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger? (One-Shot)