Features of Blown Youth

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  • of pressed flowers and cigarettes after sex

    A collection of written aesthetics combined with prose / / Sirius/Marlene 'slamming doors and the romanticism of self destruction'

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  • The Stars Shine For Thee

    A series of stories centering around Daphne Greengrass, all told in different eras / / 1. Daphne, Scorpius, Victorian!AU, 'How bittersweet, thinks she, that such a heartbreaking day should look so very beautiful in the spring sun that streams through the stained glass windows.'

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  • Red Lipstick & Leather Jackets

    He was Sirius, who would ride his motorbike through the streets of London. She was Marlene, who would clutch to his waist and let the wind catch her hair. Together, they were wild, chaotic, explosive and free. / / Sirius/Marlene

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  • Written in the Stars

    A collection of nonlinear one-shots relating to the Black family. / 1. 'She remembers how, back in the day, they all swore they would never become their parents. Never grow into such haughty, draconian, austere human beings, who lived in their own realms separate from the rest of the world, which they ruled with their iron fists. And look at them now'

  • Bad To The Bone

    A collection of unrelated one-shots relating to the lives and escapades of the death eaters / 1. 'Though, what is a scantily lit room, when compared to the perpetual darkness that resided in the hearts of its occupants' / 2. 'And so says legend, Bellatrix, the brightest star in the night sky, burns no more.'

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