Squirrel Stone

  • A Soldier Stands

    Usagi's father was supposed to be on a special assignment for the magazine in Germany, but now Usagi's gotten wrapped up in something way bigger than she ever expected. Now she's seeing faces from the past and fighting with herself on just what she's supposed to do and if she's even the same person she was last year.

  • The Oldest Story in the Universe

    It's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other. Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events. War, politics, accidents in time. She's thrown out of the hex, or he's thrown into it. Since then they've been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions. This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story.

  • The Diaries of a Teenage Superhero

    After getting superpowers, Serena Luthor does what any teenager with a trust fund would do... she blogs about it. But what she expects to be a sleepy little webshow soon turns into a beast she cannot control.

  • Nine Senshi, Five Terrans, and One Huge Mess

    Time has thrown all of the senshi, generals, and Mamoru to the Gates of Time... right after each first got their powers. A bunch of newly-minted superheroes stuck together trying to navigate the universe? What could go wrong?