
  • I Thought My Life Was over, In More Than One Way

    Sirius Black feels like his life is over after the death of James and Lily Potter, and plans to kill Peter Pettigrew. But, his plans are foiled, and he is framed. Now, entering Azkaban. The thinks about what happened, and realizes what true hatred is.

  • The Damage Sentinels Cost

    When twins Scarlet Witch (Wanda) and Quicksilver (Pietro) fight Sentinels, Pietro is wounded, Crystal takes him in, and the twins are separated. Wanda is worried sick and just wants to find him, but Pietro doesn't think that much about her. He know that he will be separated from Crystal. How will is turn out? The whole life story of the Maximoffs.

  • The One for Me

    Elsa and Jack Frost are getting married, and they have so much to be done the day before! Dedicated to my best friend Julia on her 13th birthday.

  • The Job of my Dreams

    Remus Lupin gets a job offer from Professor Albus Dumbledore to become a DADA teacher. His point of view in POA, sequel to and 12 years after my fanfic "Alone."

  • Emma Swan's Journal Entries

    Journal entries from the days of Emma Swan's life in New York when Hook came into town.

  • Alone

    After the death of Peter Pettigrew and James and Lily Potter, Remus Lupin thinks about everything during the full moon.

  • Crystal, the Inhuman

    The life of Crystal, her life with Pietro and Luna, the other Inhumans, and basically everything. I am the worst at summaries sorry. Sequel to The Damage Sentinels Cost. Rated T for launguage/swears

  • Dadneto

    Erik Magnus Lensherr meets his three children, Peter, Wanda, and Lorna, and spends a week with them at their home. Takes place after Days of Future Past, what I think happened.

  • Age Of Ultron Anticipation

    I am over exited for Age of Utron, so I wrote this fanfic about the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, how they met the Avengers, and what happened to them in Captain America the Winter Soldier. Please review!