
  • Cruel Fate

    What if something had happened while Francis was away rescuing Lola and the baby? What if angry villagers stormed through the castle gates, and kidnapped both queens? What if Catherine was found but not Mary? What if when Mary is found that her memory is gone?

  • Best Mistake

    Isabella Salvatore is basically alone in the world with her brothers being dead. Edward Cullen, the second love of her life, left. Her parents are dead. Her best friend, Lexi is dead. Her great grand nephew, Charlie, and his son, Jeremy are dead. Her friend Caroline Forbes is away at college along with Elena Gilbert. Bonnie Bennett is dead. So what her purpose in life now?

  • A Vampire's Love

    This is a story about Raven meeting Alexander when he is young. She is already a vampire and she is the sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore. She's had her heart broken many times before and Alexander wants to help her when he reunites with her at the age of 18.