God of Mishief

  • Tactless

    Charles Augustus Magnussen, the king of blackmail, believes he has something that will leave him owning the Napoleon of crime. However, when they have a meeting together, he discovers Jim Moriarty is hardly predictable... MorMor mentioned

  • Till Death Do Us Part

    Through a tweak of Mother Nature, some people are born and can live forever. This is doomed to be a lonely existence, but Sherlock and John find each other despite all probability leaning otherwise. There are centuries together, but it isn't until the 21st century that things start really heating up... Immortality AU, WIP, Johnlock, M because hints of smut

  • Loyal Till the End

    What happens to Smee after Captain Hook perishes? It isn't anything good. Trigger warning: (SPOILER) Suicide.

  • Another's Happiness

    Molly and Greg are set to marry in a few months time. However, when old feelings and past relationships are rediscovered after a mysterious kidnapping incident, emotional confusion begins. Molly/Lestrade, Mystrade, Mary/John (barely), hints of one-sided Johnlock, and a bit of smut, all mixed up in a big bowl of angst. Open-ending. Complete. I'm so sorry.