
  • Ferguson's Adventure

    (Request story for Greymon Leader Batx flashpoint) Ferguson, a hopeful, starting Pokemon trainer, is too late to receive a Pokemon, and must wait till at least next year for more starter Pokemon. But, that doesn't take Ferguson down! Sneakily, he steals some Pokeballs and sets out to find his own starter Pokemon.

  • Once Upon A Time

    Natsu does the unspeakable, and finishes the unspeakable! Pairings: NaLuToilet, NaErzaToilet, NaGrayToilet. ;)

  • Married Life Drabbles

    Married life is difficult and mysterious, especially for Naruto and Hinata. Read along as they live their lives together in their new home, and find out more and more about each other. (NaruHina and possible scenes of other canon couples such as: SasuSaku, ShikaTem, SaiIno) (Rated T, just in case!) Latest Chapter(14): Seduction (NaruHina drabble) (On Hiatus)

  • Such a Tease

    Yona paints something for Hak. (One-shot!) (Cover picture is not mine.)

  • Stuffed Animal

    King sees that Diane's bed is horribly uncomfortable, and decides to give her his pillow for the night. It was expected to be a quick and secretive thing for him to do, but after realizing he made a horrible mistake, can he take back what he thinks is a sin? (Very minor adult themes.) (One-shot) (I don't own the cover image.)

  • Smile

    Juvia is busy trying to make Gray smile again when Makarov informs her of a mysterious letter sent from her former boyfriend, Bora. She expected it be the cheesiest piece of parchment she'd ever read, but it wasn't written by Bora, it was written by her deceased parents. (Gruvia) (Slight NaLu)

  • Tea

    Robin is a persistent woman, even if it's just tea. (ZoRo drabble)

  • For You

    Hinata has always loved Naruto and still does, and when she thinks she's hit the jackpot by going on a mission with him and Sakura, it actually turns into an eye-opener for her. Love is a test..will Hinata pass? (Note to readers: This is somewhere after the Pain arc, don't read unless you've finished it.)

  • Cup of Joe(l)

    With Joel's love for coffee, and Ellie's obsession for a good book, they can make the perfect cup of coffee. Too bad the coffee machine is flat-out broken..or is it? (No romance! Just family junk) T: for language. This story is when Joel and Ellie run away from hunters and a tank.

  • Hinata's Fate

    Tired of seeing Hinata fail with Naruto? Do you think you know how to make her get Naruto to like her? Then read this story and choose the right answers to see if you actually are correct! (Rated K for suggestive themes and romantic fluff) (Pairings: NaruHina) Choose Hinata's Fate! (Hinata can end up with Neji if you choose certain letters.)

  • If Only

    Hinata has always watched Naruto from afar, and has always cheered him on from the sidelines. Yet..she wanted more. She wants to hold him..to hug him..to be with him. If only she could say it to his face. (Rated T just in case for a curse word.) (Image does not belong to me, I do not own it.)