Rattlesnake Smile

  • In and Out of Time

    Stiles Stilinski is feeling bored and frustrated with his life after high school. Especially after all of his friends have moved on and gotten lives of their own. Yet here Stiles is, waiting for something big and life-changing to just drop into his lap, but would he even recognize it if it happened?

  • Sweet Dreams

    Isaac is having a hard time sleeping at the loft, so Derek decides to help.

  • That's Not Stiles

    It's a pack meeting and someone notices something's off about Stiles.

  • Heroic

    In recent days, a seemingly random group of individuals has emerged with what can only be described as "special" abilities. Although unaware of it now, these individuals will not only save the world, but change it forever. This transformation from ordinary to extraordinary will not occur overnight. Every story has a beginning. Their epic tale begins here...

  • In The Mirror

    Ethan Correa is just trying to get by after the "accident." Unfortunately, he owes some money to some very powerful people and eventually someone comes to collect. All this sets something in motion that Ethan has no control over, but he is just one piece in a much bigger picture.

  • The Amazing Indestructable Girl

    A young girl discovers she virtually can't be killed and has a friend video it to prove it.

  • Meant For Something Greater

    Scott McCall was the hospice nurse to Talia Hale, trying not to be distracted by her very handsome son. But after meeting the Hales, and the number of strange people that come and go from the penthouse, Scott suddenly finds that he can do things no normal person should ever be able to do.

  • Foxfire

    Kira finally gets let off her leash and is allowed to go on a Company assignment. A bag and tag... with supervision, of course

  • Crossroads

    I stood at a crossroads. Sounds clichéd, right? I know. You hear it all the time in these pansy ass novels about coming of age for teenagers, or something to do with love triangles. But the point here, is that I was standing at a crossroads. Literally. Like, I was standing at the intersection of two roads out in the country. Perfect place to summon a demon.

  • Shower

    The missing scene of Danny and Ethan taking a shower in the locker room.

  • Excerpt

    Stiles and Elijah go shopping.

  • True Love's Kiss

    Stiles appears to be having a panic attack and Lydia attempts the same method of relaxation she did before... only to realize she may have gotten a bit too close.

  • Where Teenage Boys Keep Their Brains

    A quiet afternoon movie with Ethan and Danny

  • Bitter

    3x15: Galvanize - After Ethan catches Danny in the boiler room.