
  • How do I go on?

    The team is called to London on case and meet up with our consulting detective. Will The BAU and and Sherlock work well together, we'll find out.

  • What hurts the most

    This is the sequel to, "How do I go on," so spoiler alert to anyone didn't read the prequel. Six months after the death of his wife, Watson still struggles with day to day life, while he and Sherlock try to survive with the impending threat, of a mobile Isabelle. An old enemy reemerges and old faces are called in to help. JJ seeks comfort, from a sympathetic friend.

  • Be Sure

    Spoiler alert, I like many was distraught when Sybil died. She was truly a kind soul and this is what I would imagine her final words to Branson would be.

  • Carrying your Love with me

    I am so sorry. My Computer crashed, but I have a new laptop now, so I'm back. An agent has come back to London, alone. Someone unexpected comes along, enjoy.