
  • Going Home in a Box

    (Sequel to Can't Go Home Again and Almost Feels like Home) Freddy Fazbear's has returned from the grave and brought something of hatred and agony with it. Their livelihoods on the line, Mike, Marionette, and the others must learn to handle this new threat. This is easier said than done once Foxy finds himself snared by the new location, and the white rabbit now pulling the strings.

  • Within Reach

    "They will not be meeting with union representatives, because they will never reach one." Lost in the city of Nolybab, Abe finds himself stumbling upon the office of a union representative, Mr. Ryce, and tries to get his help. Neither of them realize the path this decision will lead them on as these two beings from entirely different backgrounds begin to develop an unexpected bond.

  • The Buried Voice

    After getting a letter from her father who passed away years ago, Charlie returns to her hometown to face her past. Instead of finding closure, she finds herself seeking answers and tries to piece together the mystery of what happened to her missing twin brother. What she doesn't realize is that her father's letter may have been a warning of what's to come...

  • A Bit out of Place

    While going out to get more ink, Six ends up injuring his ankle, but is afraid to tell the others. Unfortunately, Eight finds out, but to Six's surprise Eight decides to help him. 6x8 Oneshot

  • Under the Scientist's Roof

    1 awakens after the Machine's attack and runs into a strange being that resembles both a beast and Stitchpunk. Then, to his misfortune, becomes trapped in the Scientist's workshop with it. However, as the two continue their time together the start to fill a void that they didn't even know they had. 1xChild

  • Him and I

    "You chose this path so you must slave to keep them appeased. That is how it is going to be for the rest of you life. Unless..." "Unless?" "Unless you stop letting them do this." All it took was one thought to corrupt a being, and ruin a world completely.

  • A Day with Six

    During a trip away from home, Nine and Six go off on their own to explore and end up spending some quality time together in the flourishing Emptiness, but Nine's interests are oddly shifting now that he's spending this time with Six. 6x9 Oneshot

  • A Match in the Watchtower

    One and Two get stuck in the Watchtower together and take the time for some overdo conversing, along with overdo feelings that have been buried by time. 1x2 Oneshot

  • Fighting for Love

    After a fist-fight breaks out, 1 confronts 9 about his feelings for him and gives him an ultimatum; it is either him or the one who has come between them. 9 must make a decision, but he may already know what he wants. 1x9 Oneshot

  • Making up for Lost Time

    Five and Eight decide to waste a bit of time while they wait for two others to awaken. During this time, Eight decides to make up for lost time, and address Five in a way he hasn't in quite some time. 5x8 Oneshot

  • Chance

    The unfortunate tale of a creature, one out of hundreds, who knows too much and can do too little; the Chancellor of the drones.

  • Two Stitchpunks and One's Baby

    Nine takes on the task of watching One's son and is determined to get Eight involved with the baby care as well. Eight is less then willing, but why is he so hesitant to touch the baby? And why is Nine so determined to get his assistance? 8x9, mentions of 1x2.

  • Worth the Cold

    When 9 and 1 get stuck in the Emptiness together, in the cold, they must rely on each other for heat and companionship. Will this time alone make them realize more about each other, or even themselves? 1x9 Oneshot

  • Dolls were meant for Dressing

    Determined to prove that he is just as good at chess as Child, Nine agrees to a bet that he soon loses. Unfortunately, Child has an idea of his own for Nine's owed favor, and it involves a dress. 9xChild

  • Just a few Reasons

    Five has planned to leave for a few days to figure out a few pressing questions, but Eight doesn't want him to leave. Instead he decides to convince him to stay with a few good reasons. 5x8 Oneshot

  • Basic Needs

    After a series of recurring dreams involving them both, Six goes to Five one night for answers and need, and unknowing to both it is soon to become something much more than just comforting for a dream. 5x6 Oneshot

  • Tied Down at the Moment

    1 realizes that 2 is overworking himself and comes up with an interesting plan on how to subdue him into resting. 1x2 Oneshot, Sequel to 'Control'.

  • A Mama's Touch

    When Six's son gets dirty and disgruntled, Six is there to kiss his injuries better and to bathe him, even if the young one is slightly reluctant to the latter. 6x8, suggested 1x2, Oneshot.

  • Through A Cracked Lens

    Five and Eight's relationship hits rapid changes when out in the Emptiness. Partially because of Eight sudden helpfulness, partially because of Five's sudden accident, but it will definitely change in a way both will see more than fit. 5x8, 6x9.

  • A Leader, a Savior, and a Baby

    The story of how the Leader and the Savior realized their feelings and turned from two Stitchpunks into three by bringing a third into the world, told by the Leader himself. 1x9, minor 2x5, and slight illusion to 6x8.