
  • Seeker For Seimei

    Drabble. Someone comes looking for the person in a torn photograph. The Emperor must make a choice. Seimei is present in absentia only.

  • Ryouma Was Right

    Drabble. Izou faces the ultimate test of his faith in Ryouma.

  • No Fate

    Rolan thought he had found a home, but now he's alone again. Post series.

  • Almost Remember

    Drabble. Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it wasn't real.

  • Misery Loves Company

    Drabble, post ep 92. Loco does not appreciate being part of Chaton's and Alan's family.

  • Wish You Were Here

    Drabble. Just when the battle over the Moon Castle seems won, victory fades away. On the surface, nothing has changed at all, but everything has changed.

  • Where The Dreams Will Be Real

    AU drabble for Femslash February. Lira and Sera take off for a new life in space, with a reinforced goal.

  • Ferry Back To The Shore

    Set after chapter 52, with spoilers for that far. Higuro and the Agakuras have been dealt with for now, but Misaki and Xiaoyu are weirder than ever. At this point, Takumi really just wants to go home. No plot, no point.

  • Souma's Day

    Before she joined Ashura and Yasha, Souma's life was very peaceful.

  • The Most Horrible Thing

    Drabble, cowritten with Aceidia. Albus and Scorpius have a serious talk about the rumors of Scorpius's parentage. WARNING: Discussion of Voldemort reproduction, aka T for squick.

  • What's With All The Screaming?

    Fangirls will try anything to get their fictional men. As can be expected, however, things go horribly wrong.