Avatar Conner

  • Invincible

    Mako Muteki wasn't like everyone else. In fact he was like his best friend Izuku Midoriya who was quirkless. And unlike everyone else not only was his dad one of the top heroes of the world, but he wasn't even from Earth! So yeah, he may be quirkless, but he's still getting his dad's Superpowers! Now he just needs to survive the U.A. Curriculum. No Problem...right?

  • Izuocha Week 2022

    One story every day for the week, looking at these two dorks. Day 1: Bruises/Scars Day 2: Struggle/Support Day 3: Downpour/Shine Day 4: Identity/Traces Day 5: Empathy/Unshaken Day 6: Roads Untraveled/ Kingdom Come Day 7: Nevermore/Intimate

  • Debt

    'Bring us the girl, and while away the debt.' That was what I need to do and I could see my family again. I never expected things to so bad so fast. Chapter 1 is rewritten. If it still sucks, you can skip to chapter 2, don't worry I won't be mad.

  • Legend of the Spider-Man

    Spider-Man. One of earth's greatest heroes, he's saved countless people over the years and he's still doing if today. So if the big apple can have Spidy, why not add one to Republic City? A OC story, that takes place before Korra hitchhiked to the big city. Watch out, here comes the new Spider-Man.

  • Aftershocks

    After the adventures that they've gone on, Elizabeth and Jacob finally find peace together. A collection if oneshots about life after Debt, and Burial. Rated M for adult themes, situations , and language. And yes I know the title is corny!

  • Lighthouses

    Companion to both my stories 'Burial' and 'Debt'. Elizabeth and my Oc, Jacob Harper, as seen in the sea of lighthouses that have yet to be explored. Basically a bunch of AUs of my stories. Rated M for...oh hell you all know why!

  • Burial

    Comstock was the reason for all of it.He's the reason I want blood. He's the reason that she's here. And she's the reason I came her, not for revenge, not to end another city, but just to make sure stays safe. That was my promise. And I'll be damned before I break break it. SEQUEL to 'Debt' rated M for blood, guts, language, themes, and etc.