
  • Gone With The Dawn

    Clarissa Morgenstern and Jonathon Morgenstern are secret agents in a secret shadowhunter agency. Clary witnessed the death of her parents and best friend in front of her own eyes. What will happen when her past comes to haunt her again? And what is it about that obnoxious golden boy? A perfect combination of Shadowhunters, High School, Ghosts, Secret Agents and Mystery. R n R

  • My Fate's Wrath

    This is the sequel to My fate is Sealed. Read the prequel first as you wont understand this without reading that. In this Clary is now having a normal life with a normal boyfriend and brother, well as normal as it can be in the shadowhunting world. What will happen when Lilith comes after Jonathon to change him into Sebastian again? Read to find out! R n R. -HeartGlow2112

  • My Fate is Sealed

    This story takes place before CoHF. Clary comes up with a plan and makes an illusion so that Sebastian thinks she drank from the demon mortal cup. Will Jace allow her to do something like this? Does Jace know that Sebastian physically wants Clary. Read to find out. There is sexual content. Please read and review! HeartGlow2112