
  • worth a thousand words

    "But, here, on the back, it says 'Peter, Remus, Sirius, James, and me - December 1977'. So that man would be Sirius. But everyone says that my father's name was James and also that I look like him with my mother's eyes." He motioned to Lily whose eyes were unmistakably just like Harry's own. "And I guess that I kind of look like James here, but more like Sirius."

  • Weasley Family

    The Weasley Family has many members and consequently many interesting stories can be told about them. [Collection of one shots; being translated into French, link on profile]

  • we're all mad here

    "The servants took care of that," Hestia responds, flatly. "Which is why I am completely incapable of everything." "Except murder," Ginny points out. Hestia laughs dryly. "Yeah, that I can do." [SerialKiller!AU]

  • oh sinners

    "You know," Ginny comments one day, "I'm pretty sure that if we ever told anyone about our true natures, they'd suspect me to be the angel and you the demon." "Excuse me!" Hestia protests - and yes, it is kind of ironic that they both have adapted names from pagan religions, but they are too used to it to stop at this point. "I'm just saying!"

  • a man who knew the meaning of fear

    "Who are you, then, that you got this role?" the attractive one comments. And wasn't that a good question? Who was the man, really? Was he Pagan as he had been raised or Christian as he had been baptized? Who he had been born as or who he is now? Who he wanted to be, perhaps? "No one of importance. Yet." He added with a grin. [Viking!AU]

  • 365 Drabbles

    365 drabbles with different characters and genres. And warnings will be chapter specific. Some of them might be related, others not so much.

  • nothing ever comes without cost or consequence (will the stars align)

    Remus was six years old and — even though unintentionally — his very own father had just completely ruined his life in a way that left absolutely no chance of ever going back to the way things were before.

  • rise by sin

    There are seven deadly sins, just like there are seven horcruxes.

  • onward to the edge (where we are going)

    "Welcome, Human-Daphne Greengrass. I am Awnaeu-Tee Ray Cy, the Captain of the Davis." The human tolds up an appendage to interrupt. "Pardon me, but did you just say your name is Tracy?"

  • would rather die than do it your way

    "But why?" Every Muggleborn on a daily basis, probably. [Unconnected one-shots; Random Updates]

  • here i am (being who i want)

    "But that's great!" Harry exclaimed. "Why the secrecy?" "Because the girl in question is Hestia Carrow."

  • fabulas fundatoris

    Imagine none of the Hogwarts Founders were actually British in any sense. Wouldn't that be fun?

  • United Family

    Harry Potter finds a rather interesting letter in his vault that states that he is not the last Potter left due to the fact that he has three siblings. Being rewritten & the new version is co-written with d4rkf0x. Anyone interested in helping me with Nat's Russian (which may be anything between once & every Chapter)?

  • Avenging Wizard

    Fury wakes the Avengers and some more people at 5AM. For what? Reading books. About whom? Lord Harry James Potter-Black, but call him Harry. Is going to be edited so that it no longer contains the quotes from the books (but still information what exactly the characters are replying to) before I update. 2/13 Chapters edited.

  • what is and what is said

    Anne Boleyn is said to be a witch. She isn't.

  • all of these memories and feelings (and great joy and sadness)

    Before Luna and Ginny had found together, their lives had been different. Neither of them could complain. Majorly inspired by quotes from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'

  • better than paperwork could ever hope to be

    Harry hates paperwork. Luckily Hermione offers a pleasant alternative.

  • Key To Happiness

    A lot of the things in his life were things he would never have expected, but honestly? This was so much better.

  • a hero in his own right

    Dudley Dursley had long since stopped to think of himself as a hero.

  • thank you for clearing that up

    Draco Malfoy would never admit it to anyone, but it was Neville Longbottom whom he had to thank for his marriage to Astoria in the end.