

  • The twelfth supernova: Leah

    Leah a red headed woman looking for freedom by becoming a pirate and forming a crew so they can explore the seas.

  • AU: Mass Effect

    The Protheans eliminated the Reapers but their population has dwindled to hundreds and unable to continue their empire. How the story would go without the Reapers. FemShep.

  • Oz

    Ozmandius Schmidt is a gifted wizard from the US. Former auror and teacher. Now headmaster and leader of a group of the worlds best witches and wizards and one of their own is murdered on the orders of Voldemort they will take action and hopefully continue living his life after it is all said and done. Links with my story love, Dragons, and Resistance.

  • Love, Dragons, and Resistance

    Beatrice Cooper is a recent graduate from Ilvermorny School in the United States. She takes a job in Romania to study dragons. There she meets a red head who recently graduated from Hogwarts who also went to Romania to study dragons. Lets see where this goes. Resistance comes later. Links with my other story Oz.

  • Magic: 2030

    The statute of secrecy is obsolete and the world is now dealing with a world not known to them. Follow the stories from around the world. (one-shots).

  • After Coming Home

    Epilogue to Gone Home. A video game that made me cry.

  • Sadie Braddock SRU

    Sadie is grown up and is fallowing in her parents footsteps. (You will find out what happens to her parents in later chapters... when I get to it).

  • Uniter's Child

    Kuvira can't raise her child. So she grows up with out her mother.