Mr. Demon Lawyer

  • Happy Graduation

    In an Alternate Universe, the cast of DR1, SDR2 and DRV3 are about to graduate together from Hope's Peak, but things take a turn for the worse when they're all forced to participate in a killing game. Published first in my ao3 account: archiveofourown (dot) org/works/16299575/chapters/38122652

  • Justice

    [AU] What if nobody could refute Apollo's claims in Turnabout for Tomorrow? Spoilers and Major Character Death. Slight(Very very slight) Justicykes.

  • She didn't care

    Apparently, the bad endings in DD weren't angsty enough for me. Starring Athena. Spoilers, Major Character Death and quite a lot of angsty stuff (I hope).

  • Ace Attorney: Truth Remains

    5000 views! Woohoo! Everybody likes to imagine and write down their owns AA games, right? Well, me too. CASE 4 COMPLETE. Currently: A prison inmate is murdered during a jailbreak and a certain acquaintance of our heroes is accused of the crime. It's up to Apollo, with the help of Athena, to find the truth.

  • Requital

    After his execution, the Phantom is ready to go to hell, but someone has other plans. No, tags aren't wrong. This is supposed to be a humor story.

  • Metis Cykes

    When the awkward with people expert in analytical psychology Metis Cykes died, the persons close to her were left with scars. Now, the kurain channeling technique will offer them the opportunity of closure.