
  • The Lost Saviour

    AU. Emma Swan is taken from her abusive home by a shadow to Neverland. There she meets with the elfin Peter Pan, who makes her join him as a Lost Girl. Emma finds that she might fit in with the boys, but something wants her off the island. What will happen when a saviour comes for the saviour?

  • The Performer

    Emrys the Performer, known by his friends as Merlin, is famous for his magic tricks that have drawn a lot of attention, his latest trick being no exception, but this time it draws in the attention of Arthur Pendragon. What will happen when their two worlds connect? AU Modern day.

  • The Rise of the Magic King

    AU. Uther didn't expect that after the Great Purge a powerful magic force would rise from the ashes. The Magic King defeated Uther and started his reign over Camelot, a country where magic is celebrated and those without it are killed. Arthur escaped from Camelot and arrives in Ealdor where he meets two warlocks. Will they be able to survive the Magic King?

  • Escapism

    Reality and make believe. Is it wrong to make up something better to escape a horrible reality? Myrtle spends most of her life shut up in her room, not able to leave. While there she notices the boy whose mother died, Oliver, running around with a big book, his stuffed toy and a stick. He is smiling. Why? AU. If the other world was a fantasy that Oliver uses as a coping mechanism.