

  • The Conservation of Life and Grief

    It takes a long time for Ringabel to understand why he is drawn toward the holy power of the white mage. Agnès is much better suited toward the role of healer, selfless and dutybound. ...But then, perhaps not all healing is done selflessly. (Spoilers for up to ch. 6.)

  • Our Every Night

    Lately they've been meeting every night. And for each stolen encounter with Cloud, Aerith wears red... at the beginning, and the end.

  • Halfway Gone

    She just wants her friend to wake up. They say he should have by now.

  • Interruptions

    Alternis Dim, and that traumatic moment in a dark knight teen's life when you overhear your parental figures having a special night. (Spoilers at the very end, after the line divider.)

  • Borrowed Hope

    What faith Tiz has in Crystalism, he gained traveling with Agnès, and she gives him hope one last time before the very end.

  • Flourishes

    Little ficbits of Bravely Default. Can and will have spoilers for everything, so be warned! Ch. 10: Edea revisits childhood memories in Eternia, and Tiz lets himself be a child again for the afternoon.

  • Good Morning

    In which Ringabel wakes up, and has a lot of trouble processing why he has so much company in his bed. It's not a bad situation to be in, though... (Previously published under a much sillier title on tumblr; alludes to spoilers for ch. 6.)

  • Battles of Trust

    Johnny grows in battle and comes to terms with himself, as Shania grows in love and living again. A string of scenes.

  • Sweet Dawn

    Unadulterated fluff. The first morning Tiz and Agnès wake up together. (Post-game.)

  • Spore Losers

    The Myconids just don't know when to quit, and the crystal crew finds themselves pushed to drastic measures soon after realizing how their foes keep reproducing.

  • Healers

    Despite his amnesia, Ringabel felt confident enough in any role he took for battle, using the asterisks' power. Then Edea collapsed, and his duty was to heal her. That near-disaster leads to a conversation between him and Agnès that is, for once, completely serious. ...Well, near enough for Ringabel. (Takes place in ch. 2, but draws on spoilers from up to ch. 6.)

  • The Fairy and the Darkness

    A short piece touching on both Tiz's and Ringabel's mishaps before they reached Caldisla, through the eyes of their tiniest ally. (Despite being pre-game, this has major spoilers for the entire game.)

  • Just Jump

    She's always going to catch him. (Based on the Gold Saucer date.)