
  • Harrison Rogers

    Steve just found out he has a son. Also that his son is a Rent Boy/Prostitute who is blind. Now Steve, and the Avengers must help Harry in his recovery. Warning Thor/Harry Tony/Steve Harry is sixteen! Title may change, Story is redone completely! Sorry but I like this version better!

  • What's Lost

    Usagi Parents are dead, finding out her dad's not really her dad. How much trouble is she really in. How does she know Loki and Thor? Wait Haruka and Thor?

  • Camping Buddies

    Summary: Ran's been depressed and not herself because of her break up with Tatsuki. So everyone decides to play match maker with Ran and Rei. They group decides to put the plan in action, when they all make a normally Kotobuki family camping trip into a friends camping trip instead. I didn't like the first two chapters so I'm redoing it. The chapter trip won't come until later!