
  • Reality

    Rescuing by day, murdering by night. Truth in mystery, lies in certainty. Hope in the rain, and despair in the fog. Souji must distinguish between what is reality, and what is cruel illusion. The killer- the puppet master, all the cards he must put in place, or else they shall put him in place.

  • Home

    In this world, we have certain responsibilities we must fulfill. Due to an accident, Red left Hyrule. Almost a year later, when he returns to his old dojo, he must revisit what he left behind. How will he handle it? And what about Blue? RedxBlue fluffle. Oneshot. Writer off of hiatus!

  • Fragile Fireworks

    A fireworks show and a cuddly Shadow. Two perfect things. A perfect combination. ShadowxVio fluffshot. Lemon! :3 Bon appetit!

  • Birthday Rush!

    With Red's birthday so close, and friends already taking the best options, a distressed Blue must find the perfect gift quickly! (And defend himself from violent rocks)Modern AU RedxBlue with hints of ShadowxVio o3o Fluffshot!

  • Bad Dream

    Sometimes, everyone gets scared of the dark. Even Shadow. Lucky there's a certain violet hero when you need one, right? ShadowxVio fluffshot. o3o

  • Sick Day

    Sometimes our stomach hates us. Our nose takes revenge on us, and our head shares its distaste for us. Our body just isn't exactly pleased with us, and it is going to show exactly how it feels. This is one of those days. Of course, these can also have an upside. VioxShadow fluff oneshot. (Note; writer loves to make fluff. All of the fluff. Fluff (。・/ε/・。)