
  • So dead

    Chris gets Clarisse pregnant and asks Percy for advice. Percy, being a 'seaweed brain', is absolutely useless, and ends up worsening Chris's mental health. Oneshot.

  • I've Got a Jar of Dirt!

    And guess what's Inside it! A crossover between Inuyasha, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Sword Art Online, FMA, Soul Eater and Tokyo Underground.

  • A Letter From FMA

    (Formally known as' A Letter From Edward' ) Ed writes a letter after reading a Ed X Al fanfiction lemon. Soon other characters begin to write. T for stuff. I will write 5 Chapters of this. COMPLETE!

  • Brothers

    A oneshot where I interview some older brothers about their little brothers. I do not own Inuyasha, Naruto, or FMA.

  • I am an 'It'

    Perl the Porygon feels bad about being genderless, until the night Perl meets 'It.' ONESHOT. Fluff warning! DNC Shipping to come. Takes place before the events of Legend of Psycho. REVISED.

  • a steamy smosh lemon

    Rated M for things you'll just have to read to find out.

  • Right Round

    "I'll pay you exactly one hundred thirty six dollars if you can sober up in one hour." -AU. T for minor alcohol and swearing. SpecialShipping

  • Football or Soccer?

    Franky's dream was interrupted by a liter of cold cherry cola to the face- AU. K plus because no character in One Piece can go a day without swearing.

  • Car Conversations

    Summary: "I am never driving this guy to the psychologist again!" AU: Slight Ichigo X Kish. Oneshot.

  • Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds

    Summary- "You went through my Beatles albums again, didn't you?" NaLu if you squint. OneShot.

  • Sober

    Summary: "It's sure weird being the only sober one in a bar full drunks." T to be safe.

  • Who's the father?

    Summary: "Waka, what did you and Ammy do on that ship?" T because Issun and Waka are both perverts. Oneshot.

  • Alyson's PMS

    Genderbender. Alyson (Alphonse) gets PMS. T because I can. Pure Crack. Oneshot.

  • When Ed Falls from a Hole in the Sky

    Exactly what it sounds like. K plus for minor stuff. PS INUYASHA FANS I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!