Silent Kage

  • Calamity Ensues

    "If only Iruka could see me now... He'd wish all of my students were like me when I was younger!" Naruko Uzumaki is sent to teach at Hogwarts on orders from Tsunade. Mischief and chaos is sure to erupt. OOC is a definite, and criticism is allowed (not flames!). Alive!Jiraiya Good(kinda)!Akatsuki Dead!Sasuke Dead!Madara PrankQueen!Naruko. Might change title later...

  • Just Trying to Survive

    When two longtime friends and a service dog get thrown into Skyrim without any warning, both are firmly set on staying away from anything that might kill them. But with injured Jarls, curious dragons, and polite Daedric Princes continuing to knock on their door, they know that they'll get pulled into the thick of things whether they want to or not. NO!Dragonborn(s), slightly OOC

  • Companionship in its Finest

    The Avengers failed to stop Loki during the Battle of Manhattan, and now he rules Midgard as a King. But the throne is high above everyone else, and while Loki would never admit it, he longed for a companion. When he happens across a white Siberian Tigress in a market, and purchases her on a whim, he believes he's finally found the companion he's needed. SlightlyOCLoki!