
  • Not Just Human

    Stiles is just human, that's all he has ever known himself to be. But that all changes when the vampire arrives in town, and along with it, a family secret that has been buried for far too long is discovered. Stiles isn't just human. Neither was his mother. She was a Quileute, a rare breed of wolf. And now he is too. Kind of a Twilight/TW crossover but not really.

  • The Boy Who Ran With Wolves

    Peter bites Stiles and it doesn't take.

  • Time is Running Out

    In a future world where your life is a countdown of numbers on your wrist, unto a couple befalls an unexpected tragedy. In Time AU.

  • Sterek Headcanons

    Here I answer all questions for my Sterek headcanons.

  • Payback

    3 times Stiles is woken up by Derek and 1 time it's the other way around.

  • Please Don't Leave Me

    Derek should have known Stiles wouldn't listen.

  • Me and You and Sourwolf Too

    When Derek catches up to Stiles, he finds the young man in front of the puppy pen, cooing at the little furry animals chasing each other behind the glass. One puppy in particular, a brown and white pug, bounds over and head buts right into it before shaking itself off and yipping happily. Stiles squeals. That's it. The sound of want.

  • Paint Me Like One of Your French Girls

    ("Please tell me you're not serious." "Nope, I am totally serious. See this face? The face that I'm wearing? This is my serious face, buddy.") Oh, and that's not all Stiles is wearing.

  • Touch Me There

    When the Nogitsune is defeated, everyone believes that Stiles is okay. They're wrong.

  • I Would Have Loved You All My Life

    Lydia Martin has never been ready to say goodbye. (Alternate ending to 3x23.)

  • Stronger

    Lydia Martin is strong. Even Peter Hale can see that. Inspired by the Peter/Lydia scene in 3x22.

  • Your Eyebrows are Tasty, Daddy

    "My son is eating my husband's eyebrow," Stiles mutters to himself stupidly, blinking dazedly just to make sure what he's seeing is actually there and it's not a weirdly adorable dream he's having.

  • What's Inside My Head

    Even with his determinacy, his un-relenting will, he's unable to take control of his own body. (Stiles' POV in that last scene of 3x19.)

  • When I Wake Up, I'm Afraid (Somebody Else Might Take My Place)

    He's not sure who he is anymore, doesn't know if he even can be called a he.

  • And I'm Sorry that I Couldn't Get to You

    The call comes in at forty five minutes to midnight.

  • Burn

    Stiles is in heat. Who does he call? Give you one guess.

  • Under Control

    Stiles isn't into BDSM, not usually, but today's been a full 8 hour day of pure, fresh hell involving stressful clients and bitchy secretaries. Really, all he needs is at least a good few hours tops of not being in control.

  • Born to Die

    He wasn't just human. He was something. Immune.

  • Touchin' On My

    How long does someone have to search in another's ass for their prostate, for God's sake. It shouldn't be this hard, or take this long. ("So, what, that's it? You're giving up?" "We've been at this for nearly two hours, Stiles.")

  • Where Were You, I Reached for You

    The first thing Derek sees when he walks into the bathroom is the bloody handprint splayed on the glass mirror.