

  • Let Me Save You

    James Sirius Potter and Ellie Carter have been best friends since they were born however this year things are changing. James thinks he's in love with Ellie but doesn't know how to tell her. James S.P/OC

  • Things Will Change

    Oh crap, I think, staring down at the little white and blue stick with the ever so happy looking plus sign on it. James S.P/OC (rated T for language)

  • Traitor

    A small blue cross had appeared on the test meaning one thing, I was pregnant with Sirius Black's child. T for language Sirius/OC

  • Hide Your Secrets

    The cold wind goes straight through my thin jacket. All i've got now is what i'm wearing, my phone and the necklace my real mother gave me. I guess getting pregnant was the last straw for my father and the step monster, it's not as if I was disruptive or anything but the step monster hates me and my father loves her. Rated T for mild language use Jake/OC