

  • Chuck vs Their Future

    "Chuck turned to Sarah. He looked into her eyes and saw a familiar glint. The same glint in her eyes that he saw when they first went out together, and when Sarah told him that she loved him..." Set where the finale ended. Will be a series of one shots in the same universe as "Casey's Next Step".

  • If I Didn't Have You

    Riley and Lucas walked down the sidewalk, as they headed to the local bookstore. Mrs. Matthews' birthday was coming up, and Riley had yet to find the perfect gift. But when something unexpected happens, it could change both of the teens' lives...and not necessarily for the better. Set sometime during high school. Riley/Lucas and maybe hints of Maya/Farkle in later chapters

  • Close Your Eyes

    Lucas stood outside the school building and looked at his watch...Riley was supposed to meet him outside after classes ended for the day. She had yet to appear, and she wasn't responding to his texts. Riley/ Lucas

  • Girls' Night Out

    *Set during the gang's senior year* Riley and Maya decide to make a girls only night out of prom shopping for their Senior Prom next month. Alluded Riley/ Lucas and Maya/ Farkle. One-shot. "Don't Let Go" universe

  • I Couldn't Ask For More

    It may sound silly, but the way that they looked after each other, Mary Ann knew that they were meant to be. They were perfect for each other, and nothing could ever change that. A MAG one shot.

  • Broken Wings

    *AU*: Crowded hallways are the loneliest places for Riley Matthews. All she has is her best friend, Maya. And sometimes things get in the way from them talking. All Riley wants is to be able to talk to someone about her past. So what happens when a new student comes? Will he be able to help? Set during senior year, eventual Riley/ Lucas

  • Could it be Me?

    Valentine's Day has come once again. Usually it doesn't bother Riley that she's single, but for some reason, it's bothering her this year. She allows her mind to drift and wonders if she could be the reason behind Lucas' smile. Riley is about to dismiss the idea when an unexpected gift appears on her window seat from an unknown person

  • Caught in the Crossfire

    Seven year old Maya was sitting on the floor of her closet, listening to the sounds of her parents arguing again. And the fighting was getting worse. Their voices cut through the walls easily, and Maya cold hear everything being said, caught in the crossfire once again. Based on the lyrics of Carrie Underwood's new single 'Little Toy Guns'

  • Something 'Bout Love

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETHANY TUCKER! Riley finally has the courage to admit her feelings to Lucas. But what happens when he appears to be caught off guard by the confession? Riley/ Lucas one shot based on the song 'Something 'Bout Love' by David Archuleta

  • She Wants Her Cowboy

    Riley is attending a luncheon for a college she's been accepted to, but her mind keeps drifting to her Cowboy. Drabble based on the song "She Wants A Cowboy" by Dustin Lynch.

  • We Danced

    AU: Lucas owns a bar down in Texas. After he closes for the night, a young woman appears asking if she left her purse. What neither of them knew was that that moment would change their lives. Riley/ Lucas. Based on the song We Danced by Brad Paisely. Rated T because of mentions of alcohol

  • Don't Run Away

    Instead of going over to Riley's like originally planned, Maya disappears without letting anyone know where she's going. Riley frantically tries to find her, but doesn't have any luck. Luckily, Farkle thinks of somewhere she might be, and goes there to find out what happened to his friend. Based on David Archuleta's single: Don't Run Away. Maya/ Farkle friendship

  • From the Shadows

    Season 4: Orion's laptop containing the Intersect for Chuck seemed to appear just when it was needed, timed too well for it to be a coincidence. Was there a reason for that? Was there someone watching over Chuck from the shadows? My take on how the laptop appeared at the right moment.

  • She Wants A Cowboy

    AU ending to Season 3's Moving On: Kris' thoughts as she watches Junior bull riding for the first time.

  • Cheater, Cheater

    After their date, Riley and Lucas spot Maya's boyfriend, Randy, outside of a bar with another girl. Both are worried about how Maya will react. Will she do the right thing? Set when the group is around 22; ends as Maya/ Farkle. Loosely based on Carrie Underwood's music video for 'Before He Cheats'

  • Perfect Storm

    "She looked so beautiful in her paisley button down tee shirt and jeans. To be honestly, anything she wore drove him a bit crazy...She was like sunshine mixed with a rainstorm that ended up painting a gorgeous rainbow across the sky. To him, Riley was the perfect storm." A Riley/ Lucas one shot with a little bit of Maya/ Farkle

  • The Quest for Chocolate

    CO-WRITTEN BY PEBBLEMIST OF LIGHTCLAN: Riley and Maya get a sudden craving for chocolate, and try their best to do whatever they can to fulfill that craving. Goofy one-shot

  • A Christmas Surprise

    Riley rested her head on the window seat and was looking at the snow as it fell over the city. It really was beautiful, especially today. She was looking forward to later that day. Lucas was coming over, and they'd be able to spend some time together and have their gift exchange. Meanwhile, Lucas enlists the help of Maya and Farkle to finish Riley's Christmas surprise.

  • Little Moments

    Lucas looks back on his time with Riley, and remembers some little moments that helped him realize that she was the one. Rated T for swearing

  • Recovery

    It had been over two months since the accident, and almost every night Farkle relived the nightmare. Not his parents, not his friends at school…not even Maya knew about the nightmares. He didn't want to bother them over nothing. It was nothing…right? Maya/ Farkle. Rated T to be safe, "Don't Let Go" universe