

  • Prom Night

    Follow up to 'Girls' Night Out': Senior Prom has finally arrived, and Riley, Lucas, Maya, and Farkle are looking forward to enjoying the night together. Riley/ Lucas and Maya/ Farkle; "Don't Let Go" universe

  • Confronting His Actions

    Fic requested by my loving sister Fierce Queen: When the light hit the face of his visitor, Grant's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting to see him anytime soon, yet here he was standing in front of him. Rated T for self harm

  • The Return to Deadwood, South Dakota

    Jadzia stumbles upon an unusual holoprogram of Worf's: the ancient West. With Alexander coming to visit the station, Worf realizes it's time for the sheriff of Deadwood and his deputy to make another appearance. Rated T for violence

  • Don't Let Go

    Maya had always buried her emotions towards one certain friend, until something happened one night that released her emotional barrier. A Maya/ Farkle fic requested by Fangirling08. Rated T for angst and thoughts of self harm

  • To Be With You

    The Matthews, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas head up to the Catskills for a camping trip over spring break. But Riley doesn't know the real reason why her friends actually came on this trip until her and Lucas go for a walk in the woods. Fluffy one-shot

  • Casey's Next Step

    "Post" finale: Casey is ready to move on with his life. But after he runs out of the court yard, his plans take an unexpected turn. Rated T because I'm paranoid

  • The Inner Battle

    Gilligan has always struggled dealing with his emotions, but has managed to keep them under wraps. One day, he finally gets tired of the way he's treated, and someone helps him to get what he deserves. One-shot

  • The Princess and the Cowboy

    Season 3 AU to "Heartless": Dani anxiously awaits the news on whether RJ will survive his surgery after the accident at the rodeo

  • Chuck vs Sam Winchester

    Chuck Season 2 AU: The 49B was successful, and Sarah has been removed as Chuck's handler. Chuck has been turned into the perfect spy with the Intersect 2.0. After a year, Chuck must face his red test, but what will happen when he finds out his target is his frat brother from Stanford, Sam Winchester? Will he follow through or will someone his past stop him?

  • Khan's Final Moments

    "Deleted" Scene from Star Trek II. What Khan experiences as he tries to grasp victory from Kirk.