
  • It Was a Day

    After being separated for almost 30 years, Germany can finally see Prussia again. From Germany's point of view about the Berlin Wall. One-shot.

  • Fire Alarm

    Akirai college AU. One-shot.

  • Nickels

    KuroFai AU. Just a nickel brings these two together. One-shot.

  • Swimming Strawberry

    It's a hot summer day so Mako and Haru go to get some ice cream. MakoHaru one-shot.

  • I'll Show You Again

    Something triggers an old memory in Roy's head. Next thing he knows, he's heading to the lieutenant's apartment. Short suckish one-shot, post-Brotherhood.

  • Go Ahead

    Alfred and Arthur are best friends, and Alfred convinces Arthur to join the military. USUK Human AU. One-shot.

  • Sorry

    Ivan is all alone for the longest time, until Yao tries to befriend him. He accidentally learns Ivan's deepest secrets. Russia's point of view. Sorry for all of the Russian and Chinese words.