
  • To Catch a Pubescent

    Beavis and Butt-head try to score via online chatroom, but end up running into Chris Hansen. ONE-SHOT! Read & review if you like! Rated T for language and such.

  • Party Atmosphere

    All Wendy wants is to finally make out with Stan. Is that really too much to ask? Why does all this stupid crap have to happen? ONE-SHOT! Read & review if you like! Rated T for the part when Mr. Slave and Big Gay Al have big, gay slave sex, as well as language.

  • Hammock

    Kyle just got a hammock in his backyard! And, of course, his favorite fat boy in the world decides to climb in with him... ONE-SHOT! Rated T for language. Read & review if you like! I'd say this counts as KyleXCartman.

  • Stranger In My House

    Fudge Hopkins is a perfect little boy with a perfect little family to boot. But one day, a mysterious green boy and his dog show up at his house, and his entire life goes downhill from there... WARNING: Contains Zim being creepy.

  • GIR's New Piggy

    After GIR's piggy dies, Zim makes him a new one. A very special new one. But GIR seems to love this new piggy more than he loves Zim! That can't be true, can it? One-shot! Read & review if you like!

  • I Wanna Hold Your Hand

    Another day guarding the Master Emerald, another afternoon Rouge shows up to push Knuckles's buttons. But this time, she challenges him to... an arm wrestling contest? Just what is she up to? Fluffy Rouge/Knuckles one-shot! Read & review if you like!

  • Next Stop: The Candy Kingdom

    Finn, Jake, Shelby and the Baby-Lich ride Starchy's train to the Candy Kingdom. Takes place within "Escape From The Citadel". ONE-SHOT!

  • Love Letter

    Remember during "Tak, The Hideous New Girl" when Zim was stuck in that mailbox? Did you ever wonder what happened there? ONE-SHOT!

  • Dodge Ball

    One day in gym class, Zim is determined to win a game of dodge ball. One-shot that contains a bunch of obscure references. Not my best writing.