Shadow Flame Master

  • A tragic fate

    Axel didn't want to be alone, and he left.

  • THE otp

    Black rock shooter goes to a new world for a fun time.

  • Why you don't piss love birds off

    Just read it o3o

  • Rin and Len's big day

    They known each other since birth, and now they are adults.

  • Sweet dream

    He finds her again, is it a dream come true?

  • The final goodbye

    Konata and Kagami. Best friends to the end.

  • True love is forever

    Levi and Petra? I ship them to death.

  • A tragic loss

    They was born twins, but died separated.

  • The true loss

    They revive their mother but with a price

  • Not so lucky star

    A sickness sweeps through town, wrecking havoc in their small friendship.

  • An unlikely hero

    Usually a Prince saves the princess, but the tables are now turned.

  • Heaven's lost lover


  • miku

    Miku has a little fun

  • Corruption

    He joins the rockets with a goal in mind

  • Guided by the spirits

    An adventure in the spirit world.