

  • Contractual Obligations

    Being the first female Weasley in several generations had made her feel special, until it came out that that came with a major, life changing flaw… a long-unfulfilled marriage contract with a son of the Malfoy line. Keywords: Marriage Contract

  • Beast

    Sitting before Hermione was the last person she had expected to see in her small office in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Beast Division. Keywords: bitten, werewolf

  • In My Life Again

    St. Mungo's is a place of both great joy and sadness, an interesting meeting place for a pair of long-time enemies. Hermione is alone in a very trying time, and Draco is wandering the halls of the wizarding hospital with his own heartache. COMPLETE! Alternate version also complete!

  • Morphed Secrets

    Subconsciously concealing injuries after a fight prompts the discovery of metamorphmagus abilities in young Harry Potter. However, that ability had been covering up a very big secret for more than eleven years. keywords Severitus / Sevitus. COMPLETE!

  • Happy Families are All Alike

    ...Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Why do certain students choose to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays? From the Boy Who Lived to the idyllic Weasley family, to Malfoy heir, to the intelligent and responsible Hermione Granger.

  • Are You My Father

    A distraught Harry Potter after the death of his godfather has started to question everything people had always told him about his parents. He's not even sure who they were. Keywords: Sevitus / Severitus

  • Heart of a Hufflepuff

    An unlikely friendship started when a seventh year Hufflepuff and a first year Gryffindor met after curfew. What does it mean to be loyal? To be brave? COMPLETE!

  • Time Again

    When Hermione Granger is returning her time turner to Professor Dumbledore, it breaks and she is taken back to the year it was made, 1975. The last chapter and epilogue are now up!