

  • Let the Rain Kiss You

    I was unable to blink, unable to speak, barely able to breathe. I could only stare in horror as the object I was so desperately seeking earlier came into focus. One ruddy brown curl was all I saw before everything went black.

  • Believe

    100 word drabbles about Hermione's belief in Severus and how far she would go in that belief.

  • Never Coming Home

    Hermione must leave before she loses herself, but her memories are making it difficult.

  • Severus Snape's Search for a Sweetheart

    What happens when Dumbledore has Snape put a dating ad in Witch Weekly? What gossip will follow after he streaks the halls of Hogwarts?

  • The Enchantment of Black

    A companion piece to Rhapsody in Red. Hermione always hated the color black. What or who caused that to change? Not HBP compliant. RR

  • Rhapsody in Red

    Severus used to view the color red very differently. What or who caused that to change? Not HBP compliant. RR!

  • The Real Reason

    The real reason that Draco despises the Golden Trio. With a little help from Ginny, he realizes there is hope.

  • The Wrong Side of the Veil

    A one shot about what Sirius faces on the other side.