
  • Taken Again

    Jesse Everson was turned, and abandoned, at 15 by Eric Northman. She searched for eight years for him, but ended up living with Bill Compton. When Eric takes her from Bill, it just opens up more questions for the young vampire, and leads her to question everything about herself and those she loves. Mostly AU, so go with it. Sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm back now :)

  • Regrets

    When Chaol asks Celaena what she regrets most, it brings back a story that haunts both Chaol and Celaena. But what will happen to the assassin when the past comes back to life?

  • Protection

    Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange escaped from Azkaban when they found out that Bellatrix was pregnant. Ten years later, Malfoy Manor is raided by Aurors and the child is found and put to trial by the Ministry. When she is found to be innocent, she is put in a foster home with the Grangers. When Voldemort returns and attacks, Hannah is forced to fight those she once called family.

  • Rising Angel

    Charlie's unknown niece is rescued by the Angels, who she in turn rescues from her captors. She is asked by Charlie to become her own Angel and takes on the task, but Charlie's insistence on her independence has caused problems even the Angels can't solve. Based on the 2011 TV series

  • Where?

    Set in the Deathly Hallows, Arthur and Molly Weasley have discussion about the whereabouts of their missing children and friends. Written for Round 5 of The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition.

  • What stops them

    Written for round 4 of the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition A different outlook of the skirmish at Malfoy Manor