
  • Shine Watches

    "I intend to wed you." - Jedediah Shine. Originally a short drabble but turning into a story about Jedediah Shine and OC Emmylyn. Ripper Street Charachter: JEDEDIAH SHINE *Labled OC because I have no other choice!

  • The Kings Bride

    The great war had ended. Finally, the dark forces were pushed back to their holes. We travelled to welcome the King Under the Mountain home. What I did not know was that Father and Mother intended to wed me to him. I have no desire to wed, but perhaps, I will find happiness within the golden halls of the Lonely Mountain and the King Under The Mountain. *Thorin/OC

  • Into The Belly Of The Beast

    Unlike the honest faction I was born of, my life path was destined to a faction of violence and unpredictability. Before me a new world, a new Me, and as I would learn, a dangerous but yet alluring individual that always got what they wanted. *M/MA*

  • Interview With A Deatheater

    Hermione Granger, 1/3 of the Golden Trio has to write an article on a deatheater. Doing what she does best, she decides to write about three. Professor Severus Snape, Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Along the way she finds new friendships and love.

  • Yes Tom

    Evangaline loved Tom since the moment she saw him. She wanted to be his. But he left her. He left her alone in the world with a son. And then he returned he asked, "My son... You gave me a son ?" She gave the only answer she could give him, "Yes Tom."

  • His Alone

    I am his. Only his. If anyone were to try and have me he would hurt them. Not because of his love for me. No… No he doesn’t love me...Poppet, you will never leave here. I will not allow it. You are mine, pet. Mine alone. You know this? I am his. His alone

  • It Wasn't His Fault

    My mother always said he wasn’t as evil as he appeared to be. That it wasn’t his fault. "I'm only a Tonks by name, not by blood." "You are my child, is that what you’re telling me?" "I-yes." "Ah I see."

  • Wedding Vows of Hope

    All I ask from you to give me in return is a chance to gain a part of your heart that I can call with out a doubt, my own forever. I re-did some parts of it and have updated. Enjoy my dears.

  • Tom's Foolery

    And I knew that I would never be free. He never said it but I knew. It was in his eyes, how he held my hand, put an arm over my shoulder or how he took me. I was his. Forever. Five years later a ding at the shop door, and Tom's hands. I'm no longer free.

  • Some Answers Aren't Found In Books

    Severus? As in Severus Snape? As in MY potions professor Severus Snape! Are you telling me that PROFESSOR SNAPE is my, my... He's my, my, FATHER! OH MY GOD!"

  • I'm Yours Even On A Bad Day

    I am his, even on a bad day. He knows that I am his, he always has. I have been his from birth and will be his until my death. His. Only his flesh and blood. Forever his and nobody else's, even on a bad day.

  • His Wife

    I am his wife now. No longer my own woman but rather HIS woman. His Wife. It's as they said it would be, my independence didn't last, he broke my spirit, I am gone. Dead. Only the image he wants remains. Only that person he's created lives here now.

  • Paying For Somthing He Did

    Why must I always pay for somthing he did? His dominant personality is annoying and what I wouldn't do for a night to go by when it wasn't my fault and I could just sit back and relax. Like that would ever happen, I'm always paying for somthing he did.