Tiffany Smithi

  • The Time Anomaly

    James Potter is jolted forward in Time when he is hit with the Killing Curse. Arrived ten years in the future, he knows nothing. An old friend Bathilda Bagshot has plentiful information, as well as a bit of advice. Rated K for language and 'violence without serious injury'. May up the rating in the future.

  • The Potter's Ghosts

    The Potters are anxious as to the care of one Harry Potter. All magical people who die are given the choice to remain as ghosts. Those who have children living at the time they died - if those children are underage - are given very special circumstances (summary isn't nearly as good as it could be).

  • The Hogwarts Tragedy

    Harry is of the mentality that he killed off Voldemort, and never got rewarded for it. He decides that he gets special treatment. Rated K because it's only funny and rediculous (although it is a tragedy, nothing graphic.)

  • The Truth Revealed

    In Harry Potter's Fifth Year, Umbridge finds and reads the books of Harry's life to the Great Hall on weekends. Umbridge wants to reveal Harry's 'Lies' for what they are...the Truth, although she does not know it, ensures her defeat. Especially after the mistake of inviting the Minister and a few Aurors along...Rated T for violence(Vernon D.) little quotation, summarized instead.