
  • Too Much

    Jace has been appointed a high executive position in Idris. This should be perfect for him and Clary's small young family, comfortable living in the homeland of the Nephilim; but, it doesn't seem to work. What happens when this comes to a breaking point? Clace. One shot. Rated M for explicit sexual content!

  • Too Much

    After moving the family to the Herondale Manor in Idris so that Jace can pursue a high-level position working among the Clave, Clary and Jace become more and more disconnect due to Jace's workload. Feeling neglected and overworked lead to a breaking point! Clace. Rated M for explicit sexual content! One shot!

  • Golden Eyes

    5 years after disappearing to California unexpectedly, Clary returns to New York, but not alone. She's got a little girl with her, age 5. Who is she? Why did Clary leave? And why does the little girl have Jace's eyes? Rated T, CLACE, maybe some citrus. Reboot of "Where's Dad?"

  • Chapter 6,5

    M rated snippet from my original fic "Golden Eyes". Clary and Jace engage in a amorous activity together (;)) Just put up for fun, please read/review. Oneshot.