

  • View From The Top

    DH SPOILERS! As Harry celebrates his victory, all those who have died have a viewing party of his extraordinary life. Includes James, Lily, Sirius, Cedric, DD, and all those who died in DH.

  • Yule Ball Revisited

    What's in the past should stay there, right? In 2021 the Yule Ball is held again but the Potters, the Weasleys, a Lupin and a Malfoy find themselves in 1994, encountering some very familiar people and seeing them in a new light. HPGW RWHG RLNT TLVW SMRW

  • HJ Potter and the Philosopher's Ruby

    Muggle Noir AU. Harry Potter, detective inspector in training at Scotland Yard, hunts for his his parents' murderer and revenge. In the meantime, he stumbles upon another case, the theft of a precious stone, with his fellow trainees Ron and Hermione.