Emma Scamander

  • On Pawns, Bishops, and Heroes

    Regulus Black never wanted to be a hero. The night he switches the horcrux in the cave and meets his death, he visits Barty Crouch Jr. one final time. Dark Marks, wizard chess, and slash ensue. First attempt at slash. Eee! Fairly angsty.

  • Sanctimonia Vincet Semper

    A year after the war, Draco is the new head of the Malfoy House. Oh, and he's apparently getting married. Some classic Malfoy sneering, a little bit of angst, and arson ensue. But Malfoys can handle anything, right? My first attempt at fanfic. Eep!

  • On Weasels and Ink Stains

    Harry comes out to Ron, and Ron's totally fine with it. Really. As long as Harry doesn't fancy... oh, bloody hell. All Ron wanted to do was finish his History of Magic essay. Total fluff. Implied slash NOT between Ron and Harry.