
  • TWC: Game of Thrones

    The Hearts have been Bound, but Jack and Regina still wage war for the throne. With Dafydd in exile and Marmoreal in chaos, all of Underland threatens to topple with the struggle for the Heart of Crims. Vows will be broken and blood will be shed before the crown rests on a royal head.

  • Five Points of the Star

    The shield. Sketching. Cooking. Clothing. Touch. Five ways Steve Rogers found his place in this brave new world.

  • The Reason

    The real reason Hermione Granger loves libraries is not what one would expect.

  • At Least We Have This

    When the status quo is upset rather earlier than usual, the Golden Trio and their associates scramble to regain equilibrium. You have no idea how badly I wish this was a crackfic parody, dear readers; in reality it's something I penned years ago, ran across, and decided to post for your amusement.

  • Lead Us to the Light

    Harry Potter is attempting to reconcile with Alana Montblanc for the sake of their son. But when whispers of the Dark Lord's secret weapon surface, will Harry be called once again to be the Savior? Or will someone else be asked to save the day?

  • In The Darkness I Remain

    When the new students arrive at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter is presented with a journal that was written by the woman who betrayed him. Now, the only way to face the future is for Harry to understand the past.