
  • Petunia, the Petulant

    Petunia Dursley, closing one chapter of her life, decides to seek closure to another, older one. But to do so, she must face haunting childhood memories of her sister, Lily, and the dark, shrewd boy who stole her away...

  • Rough Love

    Hogwarts reopens halfway through the seventh year. Harry is going through the motions of an otherwise dull year, when some school gossip about his old rival sets events in motion that lead to the most unlikely infatuation ever.

  • Grind

    Twentythree year old Harry is exploring his sexuality. Deciding to escape to mainland Europe, he visits the club scene and discovers Malfoy. Only here, the rules of engagement seem to be completely different from what he's used to...

  • Trysts and Twysts

    Postepilogue. Harry bumps into his old rival after a row with his wife, Ginny. He never expects to develop a friendship that quickly consumes him, and becomes something much more…

  • 2007 Pride

    Oneshot taking place during events of the Deathly Hallows. Draco Malfoy shows up JUST in time to side with Potter after all; and to see the antics of London Pride!

  • By Treelight

    After attending a play about Dumbledore’s illfated love for Grindelwald, Harry is shocked to learn of Malfoy’s part in the production, and decides to attend his Christmas party.