

  • Enterprise: To The Rain

    Picking up at Azati Prime, ...To The Rain is a novelization/adaptation of the third season. In the depths of the Expanse, as the situation grows desperate, Jonathan Archer tries a radical measure: he reaches out in friendship to Degra and finds a new hope. The first portion, "Fade to Black," is now posted.

  • Into the Distance: A Star-Swept Field

    A repurposed version of "Broken Bow."

  • Into the Distance: Determined to Try

    My take on "Sleeping Dogs."

  • Into the Distance: A Flight of Fancy

    A novella version of the Borg episode.

  • A Favor for Thieves

    Spruce the Younger does a favor for the Scarzni...

  • Black Fang's Dungeon

    Episode 3 in the Continuing Adventures of Spruce the Younger.

  • The Deadly Mine

    The continuing adventures of Spruce the Younger.

  • The Skeleton King's Crypt

    A new hero set against a familiar story.