
  • Ally with Monster- Rough Draft

    How would the war against the titans, as well as the world itself, change if Pokemon existed? Final rewrite coming eventually.

  • Your Wish

    In the wake of the universe being rewritten, a surprising agent is sent to investigate and set right what was now wrong. For OBSERVER01.

  • Ally with Monster Side Stories and other Shenanigans

    We live in a world where death is so common, little else is few and far between. And why wouldn't it be, considering we fight buck-naked, man-eating giants with the help of bizarre creatures that can resemble humans, animals, objects and even food. But here, at least, can you see more than the constant war we must fight. Discontinued until further notice.

  • For example

    "If I were to order you to-" In which Lelouch does not order Euphie to kill the Japanese. Slight crack, and also some bittersweetness. For Cookielova.

  • Miki-chan13's story ideas

    Merely a summary of the works I have in my head but cannot write out without possibly collapsing from exhaustion. Inspired by Blackmambauk's Jar of Ideas.

  • Chirin no Yoake

    After he closed his eyes, the sounds of the wind screaming in his ears and his body colder than ice, Chirin finds himself in an entirely different place. Where is he? How did he get here? And why?

  • Sanity Is Just A Point of View

    Man, just our luck. We get shipped off to a boarding school for WIZARDS. And without our consent, I might add. -Oh, sis, don't be so morbid. I'm sure we'll do just fine!- Easy for you to say! -Hey, wait a minute; why does that professor look so familiar?-