
  • The Bite of a Wolf

    Bella needs to escape. One wolf is willing to do what is needed to help. Bella x Paul. AU OOC

  • Something old, something new, something borrowed

    S4: Willow's 'My Will be Done' spell causes Spike and Buffy to become close enough to trigger another spell to activate. Truths come to light. The Slayer demon is allowed to come to the fore, making something new. Goes AU very quickly. Buffy/Spike.

  • Life moves on

    A short tale. Charlie put his foot down for Bella's birthday. They go to the Lodge instead. Edward stays but becomes more controlling. Life with Edward was not all Bella hoped for. She grew up, he didn't. His controlling ways became less acceptable. Life moves on. AU, OC. BxE at start then BxJ

  • Wolves and Venom Do Not Mix

    Bella visits the Black's to try to get some answers. Billy spots the bite mark on her arm and gets Sam involved. Through talking with the Quileutes, Bella unearths a life changing realization: that the shimmering scar has more influence on her than she originally thought. BxJ (eventually)

  • Blood Brothers

    Unbeknownst to Laurent, Victoria followed him to the meadow. Bella was caught up in the fight between wolves and vampires. Blood spilt on all sides. The consequences far reaching. BellaxPaul eventually. OOC, AU.

  • Blood Brother

    Unbeknownst to Laurent, Victoria followed him to the meadow. Bella was caught up in the fight between wolf and vampire. Blood spilt on all sides. The consequences far reaching. BellaxJasper eventually. OOC, AU.