
  • Is my name The Doctor?

    Sharing the same likeness, Annie and Frank Grant decide to kidnap the Doctor and turn him into their dead son. Will they succeed? Doctor Whump!

  • Roller Coaster

    Sequel to Tormentors, Hunters and a Timelord. With the help from his friends the Doctor tries to recover from the mental and pyhsical damage done to him. Terrified of his relationship with Jack, he's not sure if he can cope with being so afraid, and takes up a new hobbie. Doctor Whump

  • Blood Brothers

    Donna Noble is the CEO of a large toy company, TARDIS industries, which she runs with her brother Harold Saxon. One day she meets two young brothers, David (10) and Jack, who just so happen to be orphans. She welcomes them into her home. But can the brothers have a new family or will they cause too much trouble for themselves? Rated T just in case :)

  • His Life

    A Poem on the Journey's of the Doctor R&R!

  • A Flappy Timelord

    Rose finds the Doctor playing a game, he has become addicted and can't seem to control his anger.